10 things to know before getting a ragdoll in Singapore

10 Things To Know Before Getting a Ragdoll in Singapore

Are you considering adding a Ragdoll cat to your family in Singapore? Ragdolls are undeniably beautiful and charming companions, but before bringing one into your home, there are several important factors to consider. From their stunning blue eyes to their affectionate nature, here are 10 things you should know before getting a Ragdoll cat in Singapore:

  1. 4 Common Colours and Patterns of Ragdoll

Ragdoll cats come in four common colors and patterns: seal and blue colour, lynx and colourpoint pattern. Each color can appear in 1 or 2 patterns, each adding to their unique and elegant appearance. Some of the common ragdolls you will see include:

  • Seal Bicolour

  • Blue Bicolour

  • Seal/Blue Lynx Bicolour

  • Seal/Blue Point 

  • Seal/Blue Lynx Point

2. Singapore is a little hot for ragdolls 

Singapore's tropical climate is known for its heat and humidity, which can be challenging for certain cat breeds, including ragdoll, Ragdolls have a beautiful yet thick coat, it's essential to provide them with a cool and comfortable environment, especially during hot weather. Keep them constantly cooled in air-conditioned rooms at 24 - 27 degree is recommended. A cool environment help to prevent heat stroke and minimize fur shedding.

3. Ragdoll Have Stunning Blue Eyes

One of the most striking features of Ragdoll cats is their mesmerizing blue eyes. Unlike many other cat breeds, Ragdolls have deep blue eyes that are sure to capture your heart and attention.

4. Ragdoll is Also Known as "Ragdog"

Due to their dog-like characteristics, Ragdoll cats are sometimes affectionately referred to as "Ragdogs." They are known for their loyalty, playful nature, and willingness to follow their owners from room to room. You can even train them to play fetch!

5. Ragdolls are Large Size Cats

Ragdolls are one of the largest domestic cat breeds, their impressive size adds to their cuddly appearance and gentle demeanor. It’s hard to image they can grow from a tiny ragdoll kitten to such big, majestic cats

Male ragdolls can grow to between 5 - 9 kg in weight, 23 - 28 cm in height, and between 75 - 90 cm in length (including tail).

Female ragdolls can grow to 3.5 - 6.5kg in weight, 20 - 25 cm in height, and 70- 85 cm in length (including tail). 

6. Ragdolls Shed Fur

Like many long-haired cat breeds, Ragdoll cats shed fur, especially in Singapore’s hot weather. Regular grooming is essential to prevent matting and keep their coat healthy and shiny.

7. Ragdolls Have Affectionate Nature 

Ragdolls are renowned for their affectionate and loving personalities. They enjoy spending time with their human companions, whether it's cuddling on the couch or lounging in bed together.

8. Ragdolls Are Non-Aggressive and Kid-Friendly

Ragdolls have a gentle and non-aggressive nature, making them perfect companions for families with children. They are patient and tolerant, often forming strong bonds with kids and other pets in the household.

9. Ragdolls Have Long Lifespan

With proper care and attention, Ragdoll cats can live long and healthy lives. On average, they have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years, although some may live even longer with good nutrition and regular veterinary care.

10. Commitment and Responsibility

Bringing a Ragdoll kitten into your home is a long-term commitment that requires time, effort, and responsibility. From providing proper nutrition and veterinary care to ensuring they receive enough love and attention, owning a Ragdoll cat is a rewarding but significant decision, do not rush into buying a ragdoll, make sure you are ready


In conclusion, Ragdoll cats are wonderful companions known for their beauty, affectionate nature, and gentle demeanor. Before bringing one into your home in Singapore, be sure to consider the climate, grooming needs, and commitment required to provide them with a happy and healthy life. With proper care and attention, a Ragdoll cat can bring years of joy and companionship to your family.

Looking for a ragdoll cat or have questions about ragdolls? Visit our Ragdoll Singapore page for more details about us and how to contact us.